Monday, August 11, 2014

Little Milestone

Pablo proudly told us tonight that he was "brave" in school today.

He just started Kindergarten last week and we're all adjusting to the changes in school routine. School is now a whole day affair (8am - 2:45pm), he has to eat lunch in school and they're expected to move around without any supervision.

These all may seem very minor but it's a huge deal for my little boy. There were a few tears shed last week and teachers had to make some adjustments to their own routine - but Bubba is growing and learning from it all. We always knew he had it in him, he's just a "slowly but surely" kind of person.

After lunch they're supposed to either go to the library or the playground. For the first couple of days the principal had to accompany him (for the last 2 years in school a teacher always walked with them from one part of school to another). Whenever they go to the playground he opts to transfer to the library because it's just too chaotic in the playground. And when they get to the library he has to stay there (on his own) until his teacher picks them up.

Big struggle for my boy who's been taught never to stray too far.

Today he asked to go to the playground - his teacher aid and I were quite surprised. And when he got there he stayed, even when his best friend had to return to the cafeteria to get some water. Pablo said he just looked to the other teachers and decided to be brave. little love. I know it's a big step for you. Learning to trust others and to stand on your own two feet are lessons we all must face. It amazes me sometimes the amount of thought you put into seemingly everyday things. Yes, you were brave today. You faced your fear of being on your own and made it through. Keep it up my boy, Mommy & Daddy are always behind you.

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